Angelina Gevorgyan, Executive Editor

VIAJE a lo desconocido
Dejaron su tierra natal en busca de una vida mejor. Estaban asustados y solos. Enfrentaron el peligro, arriesgaron todo para llegar aquí. Estas son sus verdaderas historicas.

Caught in the crossfire
A student and her family were forced to flee the war between Russia and Ukraine, leading to a new life in America

The Wolves are back ready to attack
The 2022-2023 football season has kicked off with the first pep rally of the school year, featuring performances by the Varsity CIF Champion Cheer Team and an announcement regarding the Varsity Football Team roster.

New digital ID system will implement tardy passes
Starting on May 16, all students will be required to download and show a digital ID to make the process of giving students tardy passes easier and more efficient.

New tardy policy implemented schoolwide
A tardy sweep policy is being enforced to manage and improve students’ attendance.

California kids should call their own shots when it comes to getting the vaccine
A new proposed bill could give teens the opportunity to get vaccinated without parental consent

A new era: The SAT goes digital
The last big change to the SAT came in 2016 when the College Board made changes to the content, format, and scoring of the test.

Winter Formal canceled due to rise in covid-19 cases
Because of an observable spike in covid-19 cases on campus following winter break, the Winter Formal event that would have replaced Homecoming has now been canceled by the Associated Student Body (ASB) in order to keep students and staff on campus safe.

Over 300 positive covid cases reported on campus
As individuals return to campus for the start of the spring semester, recent reports of the numbers of positive covid-19 cases among students and staff members serve as explanation for the significant amount of noted absences.

Academic Decathlon eyes regional competition for next big win
After months of diligent preparation, the team placed second in the virtual Academic Decathlon LAUSD Scrimmage, a competition which tested students on a vast array of subjects.

There may be shorter school days ahead
Students have until Friday, Dec. 17 to vote whether to eliminate BIC or maintain the current schedule for next semester.

Mouth-watering recipes for your Thanksgiving feast
Here are 10 easy to make, delicious dishes that will surely leave everyone wanting more.

Update: Homecoming Dance is now the Winter Formal
What would have been the Homecoming Dance has now turned into a Winter Formal which will take place Saturday, Feb. 5 in the big gym.

Congressman congratulates journalism students
Congressman Tony Cárdenas spent his Thursday afternoon with journalism students to honor the program for being named the Best High School Newspaper in Southern California.

Auto Shop is zooming in with a smokin’ new ride courtesy of Galpin Ford
The school's automotive program was awarded a custom hot pink Ford Focus with a custom wrap after having the highest number of Ford certifications among students in the class from the Ford Automotive Career Exploration Program.

Covid concerns cause Homecoming Dance to be postponed
An increase in covid-19 cases among students has resulted in the anticipated Homecoming dance to be indefinitely postponed, eliciting disappointment from individuals expecting to attend the event.

Gang-related vandalism spotted on campus
With the measure of vandalism on campus heightening, faculty grapple with the rectification of vexatious acts and vie to implement a positive progressive inclination among students for the purpose of preventing further debasement.

VNHS Academic Decathlon team scores first place
After months of studious preparation, the team placed first in the California Academic Decathlon, a state competition in which students are tested on a wide array of knowledge.

Variants vs. vaccines | California’s covid-19 outbreak
The disease of the 21st century meets its prevention of continuing sickness and death

Students compete in 2021 National Science Bowl
Despite changes and alterations made due to covid-19, students at Van Nuys High School persisted to participate in this year's competition virtually.

School organizes anti-bullying virtual assembly
In an effort to combat cyberbullying and its effects on students' wellness, members of the school staff are hosting an online meeting to communicate that this is “no place for hate”.

College Board will no longer offer SAT’s optional essay and subject tests
The College Board’s declaration of changes in testing, including the cancellation of subject tests, causes a surfacing of questions among high school students who had been preparing for this year's SAT and subject tests.

Holiday Decor Ideas
Although various safety precautions are going to be taken by people during the upcoming holidays, through participating in decorating their homes for the winter time, people can still enjoy the holiday season.

Simple ways to finally overcome procrastination
Procrastination is very harmful to teenagers and can contribute to their stress levels. There are simple solutions to overcoming this self-destructive habit.

How to celebrate Halloween safely during a pandemic
Covid-19 is causing Halloween to be experienced like never before, but there are still a variety of ways to celebrate this spooky holiday with your loved ones while staying safe.

The effects of covid-19 on L.A. county hospitals
Medical professionals share their points of view to provide a deeper look on the true effects of covid-19 on Los Angeles County hospitals.

Bienvenidos to a new Spanish teacher joining the faculty
Ms. Ivette Alvarez, talks about her inspirations, her journey to becoming a teacher, and what she hopes to convey to her students through her meaningful profession.

American families divided over celebrating Labor Day
Labor Day weekend is here, and the American people are celebrating the holiday in unique ways during the global pandemic.