The Van Nuys Digital Media program teaches students the basic tools of content creation: ideation, screenwriting, producing, directing, acting, art direction, production sound, editing, mixing etc. as well as the soft skills: planning, scheduling, problem solving, budgeting, communication, resolution skills, raising expectations and responsibility.
Students learn how to communicate their ideas and vision in narrative stories, documentaries, PSAs and visual art pieces, overseen by the teacher, Mr. Tom McCluskey.

Society is in the middle of a content explosion and a rapid transformation of the business of content creation as YouTube, branded content, worldwide distribution and event videography create thousands of new opportunities each year for skilled digital video artists and technicians.
Our Digital Media classes introduce students to all the key skills and careers in the ever more robust entertainment industry, putting the tools to make professional quality videos into the hands of anyone willing to learn how to use it.
Roles students learn to perform include screenwriting, producing, directing, acting, editing, camerawork, visual FX, sound design, sound mixing, and marketing, just down the road from three of the historic movie studios and in the backyard of Hollywood.
Students this year have gotten to shoot with new industry standard Canon cameras, zoom and prime lenses and edit on Premiere Pro, Final Cut X as well as iMovie.
This year our capstone students have begun producing a daily news show and weekly newsmagazine. The show has evolved quickly into a highlight of Digital Media, coordinating with our school’s award winning newspaper, The Mirror. Advanced students are responsible for filming school events and performances of the Performing Arts students in music, dance and theatre.
We are always on the lookout for new students to bring their ideas, experiences and desire to learn how to craft them at a sophisticated level.
If you want to learn more about the Digital Media program or Video Production classes, please contact Digital Media teacher Mr. McCluskey at [email protected] or stop by Room 118.