Angelica Venturina, Print Editor-in-Chief

Sufrimiento silencioso: Explorando la inquietante realidad de la salud mental de las adolescentes
Una cantidad desproporcionada de adolescentes sufre cada vez más ansiedad y depresión, siendo las redes sociales y la pandemia los principales culpables de esto.

Silent suffering: Exploring the disturbing reality of teenage girls’ mental health
A disproportionate amount of teenage girls are increasingly suffering from anxiety and depression, with social media and the pandemic being the chief culprits behind this.

VIAJE a lo desconocido
Dejaron su tierra natal en busca de una vida mejor. Estaban asustados y solos. Enfrentaron el peligro, arriesgaron todo para llegar aquí. Estas son sus verdaderas historicas.

Caught in the crossfire
A student and her family were forced to flee the war between Russia and Ukraine, leading to a new life in America

Individuals anticipate approaching College Month events
The school’s staff has been preparing for a series of upcoming events beginning on Tuesday in commemoration of College Month.

The Wolves are back ready to attack
The 2022-2023 football season has kicked off with the first pep rally of the school year, featuring performances by the Varsity CIF Champion Cheer Team and an announcement regarding the Varsity Football Team roster.

New digital ID system will implement tardy passes
Starting on May 16, all students will be required to download and show a digital ID to make the process of giving students tardy passes easier and more efficient.

Ballroom blitz
Outside of the classroom, freshman. Mishella Vishnevskiy, lives her double life on the dance floor as a competitive ballroom dancer.

New tardy policy implemented schoolwide
A tardy sweep policy is being enforced to manage and improve students’ attendance.

All you need is blood
In coordination with the American Red Cross, ASB Life Commissioner Hailey Thai organized a blood drive to help out California hospitals dealing with blood shortages.

California kids should call their own shots when it comes to getting the vaccine
A new proposed bill could give teens the opportunity to get vaccinated without parental consent

LA County schools lift mask mandates starting March 12 but LAUSD holds firm
According to new LAUSD superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho, the Los Angeles Unified School District will not be dropping its indoor mask mandate and will continue it for an indefinite period of time.

A new era: The SAT goes digital
The last big change to the SAT came in 2016 when the College Board made changes to the content, format, and scoring of the test.

History Teacher Mr. Robert Docter
“My grandpa has given me many, many pieces of advice, including the value of being assertive but also listening to others. I try to practice it with everybody I interact with.”

Winter Formal canceled due to rise in covid-19 cases
Because of an observable spike in covid-19 cases on campus following winter break, the Winter Formal event that would have replaced Homecoming has now been canceled by the Associated Student Body (ASB) in order to keep students and staff on campus safe.

Mandatory baseline testing and a new date to return to campus
Employees and students in Los Angeles County are expected to have a negative covid-19 test and follow the new health and safety protocols before stepping foot on campus next semester

10 recipes for the New Year
There’s always something special to look forward to this season, like cooking up some delicious food. Luckily, there are plenty of great recipes and drinks to keep one stuffed this winter.

There may be shorter school days ahead
Students have until Friday, Dec. 17 to vote whether to eliminate BIC or maintain the current schedule for next semester.

Mouth-watering recipes for your Thanksgiving feast
Here are 10 easy to make, delicious dishes that will surely leave everyone wanting more.

Take Action Campaign hosts canned food drive to give thanks on campus
T.A.C. will collaborate with ASB to donate canned food to a local shelter.

A step toward menstrual equity
New law passed by Governor Gavin Newsom requires all public California middle schools, high schools and universities provide free menstrual products in bathrooms starting next school year.

Día de los Muertos: A day honoring dead loved ones
From Nov. 1 to Nov. 2, Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a celebration of life and death. Families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink and celebration.

Six last minute hacks for Halloween procrasinators
Left costume planning last minute like your school work? We’ve got your back.

Frightful festivities: Laugh or scream?
The sinister season has finally arrived. If trick-or-treating sounds old, here are four activities to occupy Oct. 31. Two of them are for the more daring at heart, hoping for a good scare this Halloween, and two more activites are fun adventures for everyone to try.

The Homecoming Dance is still happening … just not yet
Students received new updates and answers to their burning questions regarding the indefinite Homecoming dance postponement during a meeting at lunch on Monday organized by ASB advisor Mr. Ferrin.

Covid concerns cause Homecoming Dance to be postponed
An increase in covid-19 cases among students has resulted in the anticipated Homecoming dance to be indefinitely postponed, eliciting disappointment from individuals expecting to attend the event.

A night to remember: Annual Homecoming event approaching
The ASB program’s annual Homecoming event is being held on Saturday, Oct. 2, with tons of entertainment, snacks, and fun activities in store for students.

An opportunity for all: LAVC College Fest draws near
LAVC will host its annual College Fest on Saturday, Sept. 18 for students of all grade levels to learn more about the college application process.

Tidy room, tidy mind
Sometimes, the space we once thought was cozy can become claustrophobic.

Childhood Nostalgia: Students reminisce about their favorite childhood toys
Students share their favorite toys, trends and experiences from their childhood.

Q&A | New Theater Design teacher takes the stage
Mr. William Potter discusses working in China, his passion for technical theater design, and overcoming the challenges of teaching during a pandemic.

Finding your balance: Students reveal how they cope with stress
Students navigate the stress of online school during quarantine.