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The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

The student website of Van Nuys High School
Van Nuys, California
The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

Mia Ramirez

Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor

I never thought that one day I would sit and write news stories all the time. When I was little the only thing I liked to write about was fairytales and popstars. Now that I am older the focus of my stories have shifted. As a staff writer for The Mirror, I write stories that focus on real people and what they have to say.  I have written multiple stories for the paper and I continue to search for new stories wherever I go. Outside of journalism, I am the captain for Van Nuys’ cross Country team and am constantly looking for new ways to make people smile.

All content by Mia Ramirez
 PRO CHOICE OR NO CHOICE  Teachers and students express their positions on abortion, and the reasons for their stance.

Abortion rights clash amid changing laws and presidential race

Abortion laws and rights become central issue in upcoming elections
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Jan 3, 2025
LAUSD prohíbe los dispositivos inteligentes para arreglar la adicción de las estudiantes

LAUSD prohíbe los dispositivos inteligentes para arreglar la adicción de las estudiantes

LAUSD ahora está limitando el uso de dispositivos inteligentes; y no se limita sólo a los teléfonos móviles
By Isaura Garcia and Mia Ramirez
Dec 2, 2024
STOP THE CLOCK Teachers acknowledge and accommodate for students' decline in attention span.

Gen Z’s shrinking attention span

The rise of short-form content on social media has led to irreversible changes in the classroom.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Jun 22, 2024
President Sharlene Kaur looks over all cards made by the Golden Hearts club before giving them to Kaiser Permanente.

Touching the hearts of cancer patients one card at a time

The Golden Hearts club allows its members to earn volunteer hours for making cards to bring a smile to cancer patients at Kaiser Permanente.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Jun 16, 2024
After the AP exams, students are reflecting on how it went and how their classes prepared them.

Looking back on the AP exams

Now that the AP exams are over, students have had time to reflect on their performance and determine whether or not their teachers thoroughly prepared them.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
May 31, 2024
STARTING STRONG Senior Andrea Herrera was bewildered by the college application process. Her parents never attended college and couldn't giver her advice. But with the help of College Counselor Mr. Arnulfo Castaneda, she was able to forge a path for herself.

Paving the way as a first-generation college student

Every student with hopes of making it to college will eventually encounter some kind of obstacle; however, the ones faced by first-generation college students are unique and, on occasion, out of their control.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
May 22, 2024
Ms. Byrne is the current Director of the Fire and Ice Pomeranians, her own dog Kennel, through which she breeds and exhibits American Kennel Club Grand Champion and Champion Colored Pomeranians.

Doing the impawsible

Special education teacher and dog breeder Ms. Karin Bryne hits a milestone achievement, with three of her dogs being invited to compete in the prestigious event.
Our school offers three magnet programs: the Performing Arts Magnet, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, and Medical.

The pros and cons of joining a magnet

The school offers three specialized magnets, each offering rigorous, yet nonetheless beneficial programs.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
May 6, 2024
CANDIDATE CONUNDRUM With the presidential election coming up in November, new voters are presented with two choices: Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Unfortunately, due tot he issues that both candidates pose, many voters feel dissatisfied with the choice they are going to have to make and wish they had better options instead.

Lack of candidate choices concerns student voters

The 2024 election is driving young people to the polls, forcing them to choose between two candidates that aren't fully up to the task.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Apr 10, 2024
A pesar de la gravedad del conflicto, la guerra entre Israel y Hamás ha sido vista por las redes sociales como una moda más. Muchos publican información inexacta en un esfuerzo por seguir la moda.

Tendencias: la guerra Israel y Hamás

La presencia de la guerra de Gaza en las redes sociales se ha convertido en otra tendencia que muchos desechan a pesar de su gravedad.
By Mia Ramirez, Maya Diaz, and Delmis Vaquerano
Apr 4, 2024
In spite of the severity of the conflict, the Israel-Hamas War has been viewed by social media as just another trend to cycle through. Many are posting inaccurate information in an effort to keep up with the fad.

Trending: The Israel-Hamas War

The presence of the war in Gaza on social media has evolved into yet another trend that many throw aside despite its severity.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Mar 30, 2024
From L to R: Gabriella Castellano, Melany Sierra, Natalia Navarro, Jimmy Martinez and Anaiya Green enjoy the day's festivities on the quad.

Hearts Day Festival: Getting in the Valentine’s Day spirit

ASB’s annual event celebrating the romantic holiday fills students’ day with love and fun.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Feb 15, 2024
What gift should you get your valentine?

What gift should you get your valentine?

Stressed out about what to get for that special someone? We can help you with that! Take our two-minute quiz to find out what gift you should surprise them with for Valentine's Day.
By Olamide Olumide and Mia Ramirez
Feb 12, 2024
Rain, rain go away

Rain, rain go away

LA storm affects schools across the district, especially the attendance of students.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Feb 5, 2024
LAUSD is taking steps to increase mental health support for students, including adding social workers to schools around the district and holding assemblies to promote active discussion of the topic.

Ending the stigma around mental health in schools

LAUSD is taking steps to increase mental health support for students, including adding social workers to schools around the district and holding assemblies to promote active discussion of the topic.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Jan 29, 2024
Lights, cameras, action! What movie should you watch this weekend?

Lights, cameras, action! What movie should you watch this weekend?

Wanna watch something cool, but you don't know what? Take our quiz to find out which fun flick you should pick!
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Jan 26, 2024
DOWN ON DOUGH The school is struggling to make ends meet after losing almost 20 percent of last school year's budget. Extracurricular programs might need to be scaled back due to this enormous cut

Budget cuts reduce school funding by millions

The loss of $4 million is forcing the school to cut back drastically on some programs and clubs, leading to less enriching learning opportunities and an overall dissatisfied school community.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Dec 27, 2023
Movies, TV shows and social media all present high school relationships as an attainable and desirable goal. Yet, as is often the case with such trends, this is highly unrealistic.

High school relationships: Not the wish students are dreaming of

A relationship akin to Troy and Gabriella’s romance in “High School Musical” is unfortunately unrealistic for many high schoolers. Schoolwork and other responsibilities prevent many from attaining the love life they imagine.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Dec 5, 2023
La oficina universitaria está dispuesta a ayudar a los estudiantes de último año a presentar sus solicitudes a las universidades estatales de California (Cal State) y las universidades de California (UC), que vencen el 30 de noviembre.

Los consejeros universitarios vienen al rescate

A medida que se acerca la fecha límite para las solicitudes a las universidades estatales de California (Cal State) y a las universidades de California (UC), los consejeros universitarios están tratando de ayudar a tantos estudiantes como pueden.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Dec 1, 2023
The college office is willing to help seniors to submit their Cal State and UC applications, which are due on Nov. 30.

College counselors come to the rescue

As the deadline for Cal State and UC applications approach, college counselors are trying to help as many students as they can.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Nov 29, 2023
A group of freshman students enjoying playing ping pong in their own way.

Fun in the sun at Freshman Funday

Freshmen have fun and explore our school's clubs at Freshman Funday.
By Mia Ramirez and Olamide Olumide
Nov 13, 2023
Seniors of the VNHS Dance Company performed for the students at the Senior Kickoff.

The class of 2024 kicks off the school year

Seniors gathered on the softball field to spend time with fellow classmates at senior kickoff.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Sep 26, 2023
Ethan Rhoda and Adriana Acevedo started the Tech Theatre Club.

Club rush stirs up excitement on the quad

New and returning clubs set up tables on the quad in an effort to attract new members.
By Mia Ramirez and Olamide Olumide
Aug 31, 2023
Van Nuys High School is offering college-level finance courses which will start this semester.

Dual enrollment program allows students to take college-level finance classes

Van Nuys High School is offering a dual enrollment program that will allow students to receive a certificate in banking and finance.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Aug 22, 2023
A month full of events at Van Nuys. The psychiatric social workers had an event every few times a week which included coloring, bubbles, and making your own roses.

May is for Mental Health

PSWs Ms. Karina Lares and Ms. Kat Stockly have been helping students learn and use mindfulness techniques during the month of May.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
May 30, 2023
Although more and more students quality for voting age, many are without proper guidance.

Tips for when it’s time to vote

Mia Ramirez gives a couple pointers to prepare new student voters.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
May 18, 2023
Born in the Phillippines, Shamuel Robledo speaks three languages: Tagalog, IIocano, and of course english.

Speaking from experience

As a melting pot of cultural diversity, Van Nuys High School is a virtual United Nations where students from all walks of life come together to learn and grow. One unique aspect of the student body is the large number of bilingual students. 
By Rainielle Santos and Mia Ramirez
Apr 19, 2023
On April 11, 2023 the LAUSD board of education attended Van Nuys High School to honor the millstones of the ELD learning students.

An important milestone in the history of Van Nuys High School

Van Nuys High School officially opened its International Academy, one of just three in the LAUSD district.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Apr 11, 2023
From Van Nuys students to award-winning actors: Van Nuys High School's notable alumni leave a lasting legacy in the entertainment industry

The famous faces of Van Nuys High School

The famous alumni of Van Nuys High School and how they affect today's students
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Mar 29, 2023
LAUSD unionized employees rallied for better wages on Wednesday, Mar. 15.

School strike looms

Service workers and teachers unions join forces in plan to shut down LAUSD for three days over labor contracts.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Mar 17, 2023
Teachers across Los Angeles rally to demand a significant increase in their pay.

Teachers and service workers hold massive rally

Union leaders announce a three-day strike beginning March 21
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Mar 16, 2023
HOOKED: for some students, coffee is more than a drink, rather an integral player in academic survival.

Crazy for caffeine

75% of teenagers consume caffeine on a daily basis, with many students using it as a means to stay awake and attentive for school.
By Mia Ramirez and Lindsay Han
Mar 15, 2023
Due to the lack of support to teachers, they are going on strike against LAUSD.

Demanding change from the district

Multiple members of LAUSD’s school staff plan to go on strike some time in March in order to have their demands heard by the district.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Mar 10, 2023
Karaoke Club sells couples jewelry for five dollars at Heart’s Day. Festival

Love is in the air at Van Nuys

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Van Nuys High School hosted its first ever Hearts Day Festival. During lunch, students gathered around the quad and listened to the enthralling music as they enjoyed the many activities available.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Feb 14, 2023
Senior AJ Palma greets anyone who is interested in supporting LGBTQIA+ rights into GSA.

ASB hosts second Club Rush of the school year for students

On Friday, Jan. 27, ASB hosts the second Club Rush of the school year, featuring new and returning clubs for all students to find their place in.
By Mia Ramirez and Beverly Regino
Jan 29, 2023
Turn it down! Headphones and hearing loss

Turn it down! Headphones and hearing loss

A recent study conducted by Lauren K. Dillard and colleagues found that people between the ages of 12 and 34 could be at risk for hearing loss worldwide due to exposure to unsafe listening practices
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Jan 13, 2023
The school recently installed menstrual product dispensers in many of the girls’ bathrooms. However many notice that these dispensers are always empty, it is still a step closer to free menstrual products for women.

A new addition: free menstrual products

Van Nuys High School makes free menstrual products a new addition to the girls bathrooms.
By Mia Ramirez, Spanish Editor
Oct 26, 2022
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