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The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

The student website of Van Nuys High School
Van Nuys, California
The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

Lindsay Han

Lindsay Han, Staff

Lindsay Han is the business/social media manager. She is a senior in her second year of journalism. Outside of doing journalistic duties, she enjoys shopping and listening to Lana Del Rey. She loves to drive around California with her friends and watches Netflix when she has the time. Currently, she is a volunteer at EnGin which teaches English to kids in Ukraine, is the Editor-in-Chief of yearbook and is also the President of the Senior Board. The only thing that Lindsay hates in this world is celery. After high school, Lindsay plans to attend college to pursue a career in law. 

All content by Lindsay Han
We regret to inform you...

We regret to inform you…

Not every college that you want, wants you.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
May 31, 2024
The dreaded orange slip informing seniors of their absences nevertheless offers a way to excuse some, if not all, of them; parents and students can sign the dotted line at the bottom and return it to the Attendance Office.

Seven strikes, you’re out!

A glimpse at the attendance policy for seniors, and how they have been able to clear out their absences before graduation.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
May 30, 2024
Dive into the looks shown on Tiktok for this year's prom!

Prom 2024: What’s in style

Discover the current trends in prom dress fashion to ensure you're dressed to impress on your big night!
By Lindsay Han, Staff
May 17, 2024
The Armenian Club sold zhingyalov hats, a flatbread filled with herbs, vegetables and spices, during Multicultural Day.

A day of diversity: Multicultural Day

On April 12, 2024, the school hosted Multicultural Day, an event that granted students an extended lunch break and a chance to experience different cultures as presented by various clubs.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Apr 12, 2024
Modern art has distilled artistic quality, integrity and skill into a vague mess of paint splatters, household objects and, occasionally, food, as depicted here in "Comedian" by Maurizio Cattalan.

Why modern art sucks

While we live in the modern age, it’s inevitable to be exposed to the trends of modern art. This so-called “art,” however, is a sham.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Mar 8, 2024
Junior Karen Grewal is doing it all. From taking on four AP classes to serving as ASB vice president, Grewal is the epitome of what many consider to be "the perfect student."

Karen Grewal: The perfect student

Some may think of a student with straight A’s, a varsity player or even a student leader as the “perfect” student. Every once in a while comes a student who can tackle all. Karen Grewal is one of these students.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Mar 5, 2024
While both artists have traded blows in their clash, Minaj is currently taking the matter way too far with her song "Big Foot."

Megan’s Law: The feud between Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion

The two rap artists have been squaring off on social media and through their music.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Feb 16, 2024
Apps such as TikTok and YouTube have made teenagers less social outside of the digital world. Negative stereotypes and comments portrayed on these apps have also worsened mental health for teenagers, increasing their anxiety and depression as a whole.

The ups and downs of being a screen-ager

Electronics have sapped away teenagers' energy, affecting their social life and mental health.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Jun 18, 2023
History Teacher Aditi Doshi shares her love of African American history through, decorations, books written by black authors, and merchandise in the likeness of black historical figures. She is seen holding a Barbie doll of Ida B. Wells.

Highlighting history: AP African American Studies

The College Board's newly launched Advanced Placement course in African American Studies has sparked nationwide controversy.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Jun 7, 2023
One LAUSD staff member balances on his unicycle on the streets of Van Nuys. Behind him, a crowd of people hold signs that read, “PAY US! RESPECT US!”.

Third day’s a charm: Faculty continue strike for fair pay and improved conditions

As the strike's final day approaches, talks between SEIU Local 99 and LAUSD have not concluded. Mayor Bass continues to mediates the talks over failed contract negotiations, unfair labor practices, and low wages.
By Lindsay Han and Baron Kim
Mar 23, 2023
LAUSD staff members carry umbrellas while quickly running across the street while dressed in red.

Still striking: Teachers stand strong on day two of walkout.

While students were cooped up at home, the teachers and staff at Van Nuys High School could be seen rallying. Many faculty members could be seen wearing red, showing the union's coordination.
By Lindsay Han and Baron Kim
Mar 22, 2023
Hundreds of LAUSD staff members make a sea of red while huddling together in the rainy weather. A faculty member happily holds up a peace sign.

Class dismissed: teachers take to the streets on first day of strike

Teachers and service workers alike were seen rallying on the streets, despite the rainy conditions.
By Lindsay Han and Baron Kim
Mar 21, 2023
HOOKED: for some students, coffee is more than a drink, rather an integral player in academic survival.

Crazy for caffeine

75% of teenagers consume caffeine on a daily basis, with many students using it as a means to stay awake and attentive for school.
By Mia Ramirez and Lindsay Han
Mar 15, 2023
Heavy breeze causes falling trees

Heavy breeze causes falling trees

On Feb. 25, the Southern California blizzard knocked down three trees on the quad. Students expressed their opinion on the situation.
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Feb 26, 2023
Van Nuys High School under lockdown after suspected armed student

Van Nuys High School under lockdown after suspected armed student

A sudden lockdown occurred at Van Nuys High School, after a 911 report was issued for a student in possession of a firearm, which was later confirmed to be a replica firearm.
By Lindsay Han and Baron Kim
Feb 16, 2023
Potential suspects put their hands above their heads in front of St. Elisabeth Church.

2 teens stabbed outside Van Nuys High School

Authorities received a call about a stabbing that took place outside Van Nuys High School around 4:19 p.m. on Dec. 7.
By Lindsay Han and Zachary Skolnick
Dec 7, 2022
Muslim women share their experiences with hijabs

Freedom or force: The divide over hijabs

A headscarf. At first glance it may just seem like an article of clothing, but it’s much more than that. It is a physical form of representation for women all around the world to show devotion towards their God, and express their identity.  
By Lindsay Han, Staff
Nov 8, 2022
Students from VNHS traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the Washington Leadership Training Institute. They had the opportunity to interview 57 congressmen and women, as well as learning leadership skills, and the offering of career and technical classes.

Students fly to Washington D.C. for Skills USA training program

Students involved in Skills USA left for Washington, D.C. on Sept. 16 to attend the Washington Leadership Training Institute taking place from Sept. 17 to Sept. 21.
By Lindsay Han and Allison Antonio
Sep 21, 2022
The Los Angeles Times reported that a cybercriminal syndicate out of Russia has taken responsibility for hacking LAUSD's system, compromising passwords and other data.

Chaos continues as district tries to recover from systems hack

Major outages continue a full week after the cyber attack that forced LAUSD to completely shut down all online systems.
By Lindsay Han and Allison Antonio
Sep 11, 2022
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