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The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

The student website of Van Nuys High School
Van Nuys, California
The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

The Student News Site of Van Nuys High School

The Mirror

Olamide Olumide

Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief

Junior Olamide Olumide has been a part of The Mirror staff for three years now and has worked her way up from staff from the News and Features section writer to Editor-in-Chief. She is a multisport athlete who strives for success in every aspect of her life and school career. Olumide plans to continue her love for storytelling in university intending on double-majoring in English and Journalism. Through journalism she has learned how to help amplify the voices of those who have been ignored and after completing her undergraduate degree she plans to continue to law school to fight and advocate for those who need a little more than a microphone for their voices to be heard. Besides her academic passion, Olumide is a charismatic, intelligent and intuitive individual who loves K-pop, reading and eating. Through her years in journalism, she has refined her writing and editing skills and now is better equipped to aid new and returning writers in their endeavors to help them reach their full potential as writers.

All content by Olamide Olumide
Exploring the cultural nuances of Black and African Americans

Exploring the cultural nuances of Black and African Americans

Understanding cultural pressures and expectations
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Feb 27, 2025
 HIDDEN BETWEEN THE LINES  Graphic sexual content has infiltrated the YA genre for years, but only now are parents and psychologists starting to worry about the contents affects on the children reading it.

Rise of explicit content in YA books sparks parental concern

Young readers face new challenges with mature content in fiction
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Dec 29, 2024
Students struggle to follow their passion  due to their concern for the well being of their family.

Modern family pressures to pick a career

Societal and familial pressures impact career decisions
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Dec 17, 2024
 The American Dream: It's time to wake up

The American Dream: It’s time to wake up

The promise of the American dream seems to be an illusion for any person not white, rich or born in America.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Nov 4, 2024
ROCKY ROAD A collage of pamphlets for colleges across the state. For many students, going to a prestigious university is a dream of theirs. However, the path to college can be overwhelming.

Back to reality: Your dream college might not be the right fit for you

Attending a prestigious school like Harvard is the dream of many high schoolers, but for most, it may be better to set sights on a community college instead.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jun 20, 2024
MYTH VERSUS FACT Misconceptions swirl around ADHD, reducing it to a harmful stereotype. The condition often results in hyperactivity, inattention and anxiety.

Focusing attention on the reality of ADHD

Millions of people in the United States struggle with ADHD, spreading awareness and better understanding its symptoms can go a long way in helping those who suffer as a result.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jun 17, 2024
(From L to R) Front row: Ms. Torres, Mr. Becerra, Ms. Park, Sargent Martinez. Second row: Mr. Rodriguez, Ms. Victoria, Ms. Sadighi, Ms. Medrano. Third row: Mr. Rabago, Mr, Greg, Ms. Shim, Mr. Weber

Your photos: Grad Night 2024

By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jun 4, 2024
Helping the homeless

Helping the homeless

Housing instability and homelessness disproportionately affect LGBTQIA+ youth. Clubs on the VNHS campus collaborate to aid the troubled youth through fundraisers and donations.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jun 3, 2024
Ms. Byrne is the current Director of the Fire and Ice Pomeranians, her own dog Kennel, through which she breeds and exhibits American Kennel Club Grand Champion and Champion Colored Pomeranians.

Doing the impawsible

Special education teacher and dog breeder Ms. Karin Bryne hits a milestone achievement, with three of her dogs being invited to compete in the prestigious event.
Goins gone missing?

Goins gone missing?

Our Journalism advisor was nowhere to be found. Then, against all odds, he spawned.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Apr 26, 2024
The N-word

The N-word

The N-word, a topic of contentious debate, has seen its use spiral upward among non-Black students, effectively devaluing the meaning of the word among the Black community.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Apr 24, 2024
Ms. Peggy Shim has taught at the school for the past 24 years. During her tenure, she has seen both improvements in teacher's salaries and a decline in students' motivation to receive an education.

The trials and triumphs of teaching

The after-effects of the UTLA strike have left LAUSD teachers with a better salary than before. Nevertheless, pupil problems still plague them, especially among newer teachers.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Apr 2, 2024
DIVERSIÓN AL SOL Amelia Probst (izquierda) y Emily Chavez muestran su rueda de premios del stand de Women's Make Change en el acto del Día Internacional de la Mujer. El objetivo de WMC es empoderar a las mujeres, animándolas a defenderse por sí mismas y dándoles las oportunidades para hacerlo.

Del pasado al presente: Mes de la Historia de la Mujer

El club Women Make Change (WMC) ayuda a las mujeres a encontrar su confianza interior y les enseña sobre importantes figuras femeninas. Los miembros del club participaron en el acto del Día Internacional de la Mujer el 7 de marzo.
By Olamide Olumide and Maya Diaz
Mar 30, 2024
WONDROUS WOMEN From L to R, top to bottom: Emily Chavez, Ceanna-Marie Feliciano, Kayla Balikyan-Davis, Teagan Greer, Penny Epstein, Melissa Ocegueda and Amelia Probst form the board of the Women’s Make Change club.

Observing Women’s History Month with the Women Make Change club

The Women Make Change (WMC) club helps women find their inner confidence and teaches them about important female figures. The club’s members participated in the International Women’s Day event on March 7.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Mar 30, 2024
Ms. Kimberly Noble, the school's current acting principal, was previously an instructional director for the LAUSD Local District Northeast.

A new principal takes the wheel

Ms. Kimberly Noble holds down the fort as acting principal while staff and students anticipate the return of Principal Lourdes De Santiago.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Feb 24, 2024
What gift should you get your valentine?

What gift should you get your valentine?

Stressed out about what to get for that special someone? We can help you with that! Take our two-minute quiz to find out what gift you should surprise them with for Valentine's Day.
By Olamide Olumide and Mia Ramirez
Feb 12, 2024

Tea time or flat white?

Uncovering the history behind America and England’s feud over tea versus coffee.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Feb 3, 2024
Generation Alpha is becoming notorious for being chronically online and far too trendy. These kids' undisciplined behavior and constant exposure to social media does them no favors.

The reason why Gen Alpha is hated by the internet

The children responsible for the Sephora kid pandemic and the iPad kid stereotype have been the talk of social media. Their immature behavior is the root of the problem.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jan 21, 2024
Sophomore Maria Munguia shows off her Air Jordan Retro University Blues, her favorite pair of sneakers.

Inside the brain of a sneakerhead

A shoe collector reveals what makes her hobby special to her and the challenges of being a footwear aficionado.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Dec 5, 2023
EMPTY HALLS With a current enrollment number of 2178 this year, the school has 113 fewer students than last year. This has led to the dismissal of several teachers.

Decline in enrollment leads to teacher displacement

A dropoff in students attending this school has led to budget cuts affecting both pupils and staff drastically.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Nov 21, 2023
A group of freshman students enjoying playing ping pong in their own way.

Fun in the sun at Freshman Funday

Freshmen have fun and explore our school's clubs at Freshman Funday.
By Mia Ramirez and Olamide Olumide
Nov 13, 2023
Two students were stabbed in a fight that took place on the quad about halfway through nutrition. Students' faces are blurred out on behalf of the administration's requests.

Two teens stabbed on the campus quad during nutrition

A fight broke out that led to a stabbing on campus, severely injuring a total of four students and necessitating a lockdown.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Nov 1, 2023
Los estudiantes de ASB llevan su escalera de vuelta al almacenamiento después de desmontar las decoraciones para el evento de Homecoming.

La verdadera razón por la que se canceló Homecoming

Un problema de papeleo y la amenaza de mal tiempo contribuyeron al retraso del evento.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Oct 9, 2023
ASB students carry their ladder back to storage after taking down the decorations for Homecoming.

The real reason Homecoming was postponed

A paperwork issue and the threat of inclement weather contributed to the event's delay.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Oct 2, 2023
The resurgence of the Covid-19 virus caused panic among Californian residents, but scientists assure citizens not to worry.

Covid-19’s possible comeback

The recent resurgence of Covid-19 makes Californians wonder if dropping all Covid-19 precautions was a smart move.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Sep 13, 2023
Ethan Rhoda and Adriana Acevedo started the Tech Theatre Club.

Club rush stirs up excitement on the quad

New and returning clubs set up tables on the quad in an effort to attract new members.
By Mia Ramirez and Olamide Olumide
Aug 31, 2023
Hurricane Hilary is expected to make landfall on Sunday August 20. Here is a satellite image from the National Weather Service, showing the storm swirling off the coast of Baja California in the warm ocean water.

Hurricane Hilary could hit Hollywood

The National Hurricane Center predicts heavy rain, strong winds, with a side of hurricane. Could school be cancelled? Hard to predict.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Aug 18, 2023
ATTENDANCE MATTERS Student attendance bol-
sters school funding, which gives back to the

students in ways like providing more textbooks
and field trips.

The impact of attendance: More than just marks

Punctuality has an unseen influence on school revenue.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jun 9, 2023
Team Captains of Science bowl Shahen Akopyan and Jacob Merida lead each of their teams to regionals.

Science Bowl team competes at regionals

Science Bowl is an exhilarating Jeopardy-style competition that immerses participants in the vast realm of science. Each year, schools from across the district come together for a battle of knowledge and know-how. The ultimate prize is an invitation to the National Tournament.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jun 6, 2023
“I think part of the reason for this decline is a reflection of the increasing disrespect our society has for the founding fathers and the documents that make this country… our history has become irrelevant and shameful to more and more people.” Another comment by Elizabeth Silva read.

Repeating history? No, receding history

Eighth graders declining test scores might cause issues for them as incoming freshmen.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
May 19, 2023
Students explain their opinion on the school lockers.

Lockers! Lockers! Lockers!

Students and their relationship with their lockers.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
May 9, 2023
David Gonzalez one of many students working minimum wage jobs while trying to keep up with school.

Balancing school and work: High school students discuss the challenges and benefits of working while in school

According to an Instagram poll conducted on campus, of the 199 responses received, 28 percent of students said they have paying jobs outside of school.
By Olamide Olumide and Rainielle Santos
Apr 20, 2023
Baron Kim, Online Editor-In-Chief of The Mirror, explains how the website is run and managed.

Hawkins High School students visit The Mirror

Hawkins High School visited Van Nuys High School’s journalism class to explore the inner workings of the class and what it takes to achieve success as a paper.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Mar 12, 2023
Schools across the U.S. are struggling with a shortage of qualified teachers, with many positions remaining vacant or filled by underqualified individuals.

Teacher shortage: It’s everywhere

Covid, the economy and personal circumstances cause a crisis in education.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Mar 11, 2023
LIGHT IT UP: Nate's custom built 1991 Nissan 240sx illuminates the dusk.

Building a car with his bare hands

Warrakan Nate’s journey in building his own car has finally led him to be able to drive his own creation.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Mar 7, 2023
Although the hail was short lived, the auspicious timing allowed for all to experience it.

Light hail showers over Van Nuys High School

Students and faculty enjoyed a pleasant surprise of snow-like hail during lunch.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Mar 1, 2023
Due to the strong storm, the National Weather Service issued a blizzard warning for parts of Southern California.

California’s bizarre blizzard adventure

In light of a severe storm, the National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning in some parts of Southern California.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Feb 24, 2023
Senior Board President Abby Lee and Vice President Raina Marangattu discuss Winter Formal details.

Everything you need to know: Winter Formal

The what, where, why’s and how's of the winter formal.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Feb 1, 2023
California declared in state of emergency as rare rain storms leave 12 dead and 120,000 without power

California declared in state of emergency as rare rain storms leave 12 dead and 120,000 without power

President Biden issued a State of Emergency warning for California earlier this week due to the rain.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jan 13, 2023
Students and parents alike battle heavy rain during rush hour mornings.

Heavy rain leads to colossal crashes

Every winter, car accidents in California take a drastic increase because of the rainy weather.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Jan 9, 2023
Concheros dancers make their way to the victory stand, ready to perform and excite!

Honoring the dead with a lively celebration

Van Nuys High School goes all out in celebrating Día de los Muertos
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Nov 5, 2022
Administrators supervise the area as the conflict is swiftly dealt with by other faculty.

Re-restorative action against conflicts on campus

On Tuesday, Oct. 18, a physical altercation broke out on the quad between two students. Measures were taken to provide adequate punishment for the students involved.
By Olamide Olumide, Editor-in-Chief
Oct 22, 2022
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