Andrew Vega, Staff Writer

School announces Associated Student Body election results
The long-awaited outcome of the ASB Student Council, Junior Board and Senior Board elections has been revealed.

Harriet Tubman being added to twenty dollar bill
The Biden administration’s announcement of efforts to append human rights activist Harriet Tubman to this note of currency has inspired optimism among students regarding future representation.

Man forgets password to Bitcoin worth $220 million
After storing his bitcoins roughly a decade ago into a password-encrypted device known as IronKey, Stefan Thomas has desperately been attempting to access what is now worth roughly $220 million in cryptocurrency.

Newsom’s Plan for Reopening Schools
Governor Gavin Newsom shares his two billion dollar plan for reopening schools.

Local businesses board up in anticipation of election violence
Earlier this year, many businesses were broken into and looted. Now that the election year is coming to an end, businesses fear post-election looting.

Club rush with a new spin
Club Rush will be starting this Friday.

Covid-19 keeps all LAUSD campuses closed to students
California's senator Governor Gavin Newsom has set a new way of determining when business and schools should reopen.