Coronavirus threat closes all LAUSD campuses beginning March 16


LAUSD closes all schools beginning March 16 to help stem the spread of covid-19.

By Andre Rodas, Print Editor-in-Chief

All LAUSD schools will close beginning Monday March 16 due to coronavirus, announced Superintendent Austin Beutner.

Over 600,000 students and over 30,000 teachers are affected by the shutdown, which the district estimates will last at least two weeks.

The district has been following the guidance of public health experts to keep the community safe during this health crisis. 

In an email to LAUSD employees, Beutner wrote that the decision to close schools was difficult but necessary. “The closing of any school has real consequences beyond the loss of instructional time. This is not an easy decision and not one we take lightly.”

The district will attempt to continue teaching students through online lessons and lessons broadcast on Southern California Public Broadcasting Stations (PBS).

The district will provide access to meal services through Family Resource Centers which will open beginning on Wednesday March 18 on weekdays from 7 to 10 a.m.

Teachers and staff at Van Nuys High School have been preparing for a possible shutdown since late last week. Some intend to continue teaching through a face-to-face software product, Zoom, while others will post lessons on Schoology

Students were surveyed on Thursday to determine if they have computer and internet access at home. Some students were provided with laptops and internet hotspots on Friday.

Along with LAUSD, many private schools in L.A. County have closed as have Beverly Hills Unified and Santa Monica-Malibu Unified.

“I think it’s definitely appropriate,” says Ms. Peggy Shim, a science teacher. “I was thinking that we should come back after spring break because coming back for four days doesn’t make sense.”