This week, students came together for another exciting Spirit Week, a beloved tradition designed to foster school pride and excitement. Each day is packed with themed dress-up days and friendly competitions, all aimed at uniting our school community.
The school started off the week with Movie Monday, followed by Twin Tuesday, then White Lie Wednesday, Throwback Thursday and ending the week with color wars; frightening Friday. This year’s Spirit Week is a little bit different. Coexisting with Spirit Week, Survivor Island is a four-way battle between each of the grades and teachers, showcasing how much spirit each class has.

At the beginning of the week, all grades were placed on Survivor Island and each day, based on the amount of students from each grade dressed up according to the theme, the grade with the least amount of students dressed up was kicked off the island.
Because this year’s Spirit Week is so different, it has taken a lot more planning and advertising than past Spirit Weeks.

Elijah Loox, the social media commissioner for the event, has been responsible for working on social media posts and promoting Spirit Week.
“Strategy-wise, we’re making multiple TikToks and getting a bunch of posts up on Instagram constantly,” Loox said. “We’re also putting up a lot of posters informing students about the day-specific events going on and what to wear”.
Every day, the Associate Study Body (ASB) checks every class during 4th period to see how many students have participated in that day’s themed event. Whichever grade has the least participants for that day is kicked off the island.
ASB has been working tirelessly to effectively pull off Spirit Week and garner as much pride and participation as possible.