Gwen Langi, Pro & Con Editor

My cell phone took over my life. I had to change.
I find myself consumed by my phone whether it’s during virtual classes or late into the night past my bedtime. I tell myself a few minutes of scrolling through social media won’t cause any harm.

It’s out with the old and in with the new
Today's Presidential Inauguration strengthens the hope of Americans as our new elected officials take office

Crazy coronavirus coiffure
Every day is kind of a bad hair day during the covid pandemic. Students reveal their 'dos and don'ts.

SB 145: anti-discriminatory bill is not a gateway to pedophilia
Misinformation causes panic to surge after California passes SB-145 bill to reform the sex offender registry.

A tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A pioneer in modern women’s rights
The second female justice ever appointed to the Supreme Court worked to advance gender equality throughout her distinguished career.

Dear non-Black people of color, #BlackLivesMatter is your fight too
What You Should (And Shouldn’t) Do to Support From Home

Protesting is “exercising constitutional rights” only if you’re right-wing
Protests reveal a double-standard, where the peaceful are met with violence while the violent are met with peace.

Staying connected while social distancing
It’s left to us to check on one another as quarantine spells out danger for those who usually seek assistance from mental health professionals.

The “K” Word: Are white women experiencing racism?
Twitter’s recently coined term “Karen” leaves white women claiming they are victims of oppression.

How covid-19 is transforming the lives of my people
Pacific island nations like Tonga have to fight twice as hard to protect their people against covid-19.

CON: Cancelling school is not beneficial for all
"Like many other students, I get excited by the possibility of school closing due to Coronavirus. More fun and less stress because of a virus we believe we aren’t at risk of is a dream come true. But when we put aside our selfish ways to consider those who benefit from school being in session, our perfect fantasy turns into a horrifying reality."

Why Are We Only Respected When Using Our “White People” Voice?
"Linguistic profiling—the practice of using one’s accent and dialect to identify a person’s characteristics—is blatantly discriminatory."

SBAC Scores Have Taken Seen a Decrease
61 percent of students did not meet or nearly met mathematics standards in the 2017 to 2018 academic year, and 34 percent did not meet or nearly met English Language Arts standards.

#MeToo Redemption Not Possible
Save your apologies.

Cover Up!
Dress code policy results in angry students.