Rainielle Santos, Staff Writer

School adds ethnics course as new college requirement for freshmen
The Ethnics Studies course is designed to encourage students to develop compassion for others and create a deeper understanding of other cultures as a whole.

Trash talk: Litter plagues campus
The campus at Van Nuys High School, with its grassy quad and mature shade trees, offers comfort to a diverse community, encompassing not just students and staff, but also local wildlife like birds and squirrels.

Balancing school and work: High school students discuss the challenges and benefits of working while in school
According to an Instagram poll conducted on campus, of the 199 responses received, 28 percent of students said they have paying jobs outside of school.

Speaking from experience
As a melting pot of cultural diversity, Van Nuys High School is a virtual United Nations where students from all walks of life come together to learn and grow. One unique aspect of the student body is the large number of bilingual students.

Tips and tricks for AP exams
Rain Santos shares her study methods to ensure a good grade for AP Exams.

5 Minutes with…Theater Teacher Mr. Justin Baldridge
Mr. Baldridge shares the last movie watched, the meal he’d eat for the rest of his life and what his warning label would say if he had one.