Isaura Garcia, Staff Writer

Horror dominates film industry amid rising social anxieties
Shift in film genres impacts theater attendance and streaming choices

Volunteer hour requirement surprises juniors
Eleventh graders required to complete service learning hours

Lost in the scroll: The Erosion of Media Insight
Fake news and AI challenge media literacy education

The impact of being labeled a ‘no sabo’ kid
Cultural identity and language barriers in a bilingual world

LAUSD prohíbe los dispositivos inteligentes para arreglar la adicción de las estudiantes
LAUSD ahora está limitando el uso de dispositivos inteligentes; y no se limita sólo a los teléfonos móviles

Three things to do this weekend to kick off Thanksgiving break
Affordable adventures await in scenic Los Angeles

Suzanne Osman blends passion for teaching, reading and libraries
VNHS librarian Ms. Suzanne Osman encourages curiosity and promotes her love for reading

LAUSD targets focus with new phone ban policy
Schools adapt to new phone-free environment in classrooms

Exploring the Menendez brothers’ controversial case in 2024
Public interest in the Menendez story surges again

Haunted lunch: Costume contest brings an eerie spirit to Halloween
Students showcase their best costumes in a lunchtime competition.

Empowering immigrant students: The Internationalist Program
Students of all ages immigrate to the U.S.. The International Program is here to help them improve English skills to succeed in the classroom.

Homecoming royalty candidates: Meet your contenders
Homecoming is this Saturday and here are a few of this year’s candidates for your homecoming royalty.

Three things to do this weekend
Temperatures are cooling down and Halloween is quickly approaching, so here is a list of three things to do this fall weekend to kick off the spooky season.

Three things to do this weekend to enjoy the fall weather
Temperatures are looking great this weekend and LA never ceases with outdoor events, so here's a list of three things you can do to enjoy them.