Money Managing 101

Money Management Week will be hosted next week by First Gen Empowerment Project to provide students with the programs they need to pursue life after high school.


The First Gen Empowerment Project is holding financial literacy classes next week.

By Ani Tutunjyan, Executive Editor & Print Editor-in-Chief

The First Gen Empowerment Project is holding Money Management Week next week starting Tuesday, Jan. 28 through Friday, Jan. 31 for juniors and seniors interested in sharpening their financial literacy for life after high school.

On Tuesday, students can attend a workshop on how to get a job from 2:30 to 3:30 pm in room 305. A workshop on opening a bank account and creating a budget will be held the following Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in room 327. 

On Friday, social science teacher Mr. Robert Crosby will be teaching taxes 101 exclusively for interested seniors during 4th period in the lecture hall.

The project is created by alumni Arabi Hassan with the goal of addressing “the lack of support many first-generation and immigrant students at Van Nuys School face when it comes to planning their future.”

The project specifically focuses on the needs of undocumented students by offering programming that will aid students in persuing education at a four-year university or technical school.

Interested students can sign up using the following link: