Armed Teachers Debate
DEBATE: Teachers “stand off” in the big gym to debate the controversy behind arming teachers on school campuses.
Stefanie Tyo | Copy Editor
March 21, 2018
Shots were fired during the armed teachers debate on Tuesday March 20 in the small gym. The debate, held during lunch, was between Mr. Jonathan Mitchell supporting teachers carrying concealed weapons on campus, and Mr. Robert Crosby in the opposition.
“It brought to perspective the idea of safety behind guns, but also the logical ramifications they bring as well.” stated Mitchell
Students were encouraged throughout the debate to question and support their opinion over the issue as the teachers’ points were brought to light.
“I think it went very well.” Mr. Crosby stated,.. “There was a good exchange of information on the topic while allowing the students to get multiple points of view on the issue at hand.”
Stefanie Tyo is a Junior and the Chief Copy Editor of the Journalism Staff. She has been in journalism for three consecutive years starting her freshman year.
Outside of Journalism Stefanie plays club soccer and volunteers at Tarzana Hospital . Besides writing feature stories for The Mirror publication she also enjoys writing poetry and other forms of creative writing. She plans on majoring in Journalism in college and hopes on becoming a Medical Journalist.