War Awaits Them
MARVEL: The end is near for Earth’s mightiest heroes.
By Jessica Eusebio & Lucas Shim
March 16, 2018
Marvel Studios
They fight the battles that we never could.
The Avengers and their allies will face their most powerful enemy yet, Thanos, who seeks to control reality at his own evil desire. An ensemble of beloved returning characters, including Iron Man, Captain America and the Guardians of the Galaxy must stop the mad titan and his Black Order from collecting the Infinity Stones, six powerful ingots possessing strong power to reshape reality.
Ever since the debut of “Iron Man” in 2008, the films produced by the Marvel Cinematic Universe has led up to this culmination.
“Avengers: Infinity War” is an upcoming sci-fi action film that will premiere in theaters on April 27.
The film is directed by brothers Anthony and Joe Russo, known for their collaborative works on “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Captain America: Civil War.”
The latest trailer features character interactions that audiences have never seen before, including a humorous conversation between Peter Quill and Iron Man. The trailer begins with Gamora, one of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and also the daughter of Thanos, discussing the Mad Titan’s motives for destruction to Tony Stark.
The preview also displays a clear shot of all of the members of the Black Order: Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Ebony Maw, and Cull Obsidian.
Heroes from previous Marvel films, including Captain America, Spiderman, and Thor are all seen in close-up action. The trailer shows multiple action sequences that seem to take place in Wakanda, the Black Panther’s technologically advanced homeland. As the heroes battle on the field, Steve Rogers utilizes his new shields for combat.
Iron Man is also seen in his new Bleeding Edge armor, which is based on one of his iconic suits in the comic books. His new Hulkbuster armor is also shown in the preview with modifications from the previous version in “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”
“Avengers: Infinity War” will premiere worldwide in theaters on April 27.
Jessica Eusebio is an entertainment writer for The Mirror. She joined during her junior year and is currently a junior now. This is her first year working for the publication.
Her articles are typically about movies and television shows. She enjoys watching a lot of movies, specifically Disney/Pixar and Marvel movies. She favors watching psychological based television shows. She also enjoys watching paint dry on her spare time.
Lucas Shim is currently the Entertainment Editor for The Mirror. He joined during his sophomore year and is now in his second year publication as a junior.
Other than contributing to journalism, his hobbies include binge-watching movies and TV shows, brainstorming story ideas and writing screenplays for his future career as a screenwriter. He is also a volunteer at Pet Orphans of Southern California, where he socializes and walks dogs. When it comes to politics, Lucas chooses to remain open-minded regarding political parties and their ongoing governmental debates.
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