By the power vested in him and the College Board, AP Research teacher Mr. Ronald Goins officially pronounces his class as “topic and student.”
AP Research took part in the annual wedding vows on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 27-28 during Period 3. Each student married the topic they will be researching for the school year.
Each student can only commit to one research topic for the AP Research curriculum, thus the term ‘marriage’ is used to bind each student to their topic for the rest of the school year.
Students gave speeches with promises of commitment and love that are unique to them and conveys their interests in studying their chosen topic. They also chose two witnesses that hold the ring and the microphone, to sign official, hard-copies of their marriage certificate.
AP Research is a part of College Board’s AP Capstone program which requires a three or higher on AP Research, AP Seminar and four additional AP classes to receive the Capstone diploma.
By choosing research topics of their own and conducting scientific research, students acquire academic research skills beneficial for college.