As a countdown leading up to Thanksgiving break, the second round of spirit week also served to boost school pride.
With completely different prompts from the spirit week hosted in October, various students enter school with clothes or props that fit the day’s criteria.
The week started off simple with Mismatching Monday, where students wore contrasting clothes or shoes.
Students either went country or boujee on Country Vs. Country Club Tuesday.
To commemorate famous actor Adam Sandler, students went to school with baggy shirts and basketball shorts on Adam Sandler Day.
Thursday brought life to the classic tropes of Jocks and Nerds, where students submitted to dressing up as an over-the-top nerd or a more subtle jock on Jock Vs. Nerd Thursday.
At the end of the week along with Freshman Funday, students racked their brains to come up with the funniest items to replace their backpack with on Bring Anything But a Backpack Friday.