Van Nuys High School is developing a safe plan to bring student athletes back on campus. With campuses closed because of covid-19 athletics came to an abrupt stop.
Assistant principal Marc Strassner is helping create a safe plan that will let teams condition on campus. “Competitive team athletics are not beginning now,” he said. Once the plan has been developed it will be submitted to to the local district for approval.
“Once approved we will inform every one of the start date and begin our athletic conditioning program,” the assistant principal informed.
Students who are interested in participating in the afterschool conditioning have to submit a few things before they can return on campus. They must have a current Athletic Packet completed and submitted, a current Athletic Physical submitted, a recent negative covid test and a covid-19 waiver on file.
A date for the return is yet to be announced but it’s looking like it will happen sooner rather than later.