julie is a band from Los Angeles, CA that recently released their new album,“my anti-aircraft friend” and is proving to be an excellent album. The online music magazine, Pitchfork, gives it an 8.1, a really good score considering how harsh Pitchfork is known for being. The band consists of bassist and vocalist Alex Brady, guitarist Keyan Pourzand and drummer Dillon Lee. They first released the song “flutter” in 2019, which became the song that hooked most fans. Following that, they released an EP called “pushing daisies”. Now they’re back and better than ever with this new album.
The first track “catalogue” starts off with heavy hitting guitar and a fast paced kick drum, then is layered with rough and edgy vocals from lead singer, Brady, giving it a sort of angsty tone. This tone led to a theory from fans that “‘catalogue’ explores the speaker’s emotional numbness and dissatisfaction with their current state of being. Throughout the whole album, I have noticed the main themes to be angst and hints of melancholy. Loud and delayed guitar can be heard throughout the whole album only adding to the sound. Some of my favorite songs from this album include “clairbourne practice” and “stuck in a car with angels”, which is a more sorrowful toned track. I really like “clairbourne practice” because of how fast paced the drums are as well as the grunge inspired vocals.
In my opinion, weak points in the album present themselves in the songs “knob” and “ill cook my own meals”. I think “knob” is a little boring, along with subpar vocals and overall just seems like a filler song. Overall this album is very good and has a lot of strong points such as “clairborne practice” and “very little effort” giving this album a good rating in my books.
Rating: 7/10