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Another week of “Mamma Mia!” goes down in the books, but not without some struggles.
Sophomore Elle Sinio explained that although the work is fun, it’s a lot of work.
“It’s really fun to be able to just go to rehearsal and dance with my friends,” she stated. “But the moment we have to start singing while we dance, it gets a lot harder. The pressure is definitely on.”
With theater, the lines between work and play blur often. Many hours spent with the same people get you to form quick bonds with one another. However, those bonds can sometimes be a hindrance to productivity.
After a rough rehearsal on Wednesday, Feb. 12, on Thursday, Feb. 13, all cast and crew were called in by director Mr. Justin Baldridge for a meeting on rehearsal etiquette.
In this meeting he addressed the fact that just because the cast is surrounded by many of their friends, and a good chunk of everyone’s social lives exist in the theater space, it can’t be something that restricts productivity.

“As a magnet program one of our goals is to prepare students to be involved in the industry after high school, and I feel that not only within the department but on this campus there is a lack of professionalism that must be addressed,” he said.
With that meeting came a strained atmosphere at rehearsals as the cast tried to adjust to this new change and find a balance between work and play.
Sophomore Olivia Klipstine commented that this was a big breakthrough for the whole cast.
“I think a lot of us had to learn a lesson about proper rehearsal etiquette and the reminder definitely made rehearsals a lot easier and quieter,” she stated. “However, I could definitely tell the atmosphere was tense, and people were nervous of overstepping.”
However, with only three weeks until tech, the show must go on! There’s no time to dwell on mistakes and instead, the cast must simply fix them and move on.