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Another week with the same plan. The cast of “Mamma Mia!” worked on choreography for songs like “Super Trooper,” “S.O.S” and “The Winner Takes it All.”
With Ms. Reesa Zagnoli and Ms. Diane Hula at the front lines, the ensemble followed as they quickly learned each dance. Meanwhile, director Mr. Justin Baldridge called in specific people to work on blocking the scenes between each number.
Sophomore Madeline Mills talked about some of her favorite numbers.
“On Wednesday we learned the dance and some blocking for ‘Super Trouper’,” she said. “It had a very similar vibe to dancing queen, it’s very uplifting and has a really wholesome context to it. Overall rehearsal this week went very smoothly and the numbers we learnt were some of my favorites.”
While the ensemble worked up a sweat many of the leads were called few at a time to work on scene work.
Sophomore Ellie Steinberg, who plays the role of Sophie Sheridan, talked about how much easier it was to rehearse when less people were around.
“This week has felt more laid back than our previous rehearsals,” she said. “With less people called it’s been more one on one and it’s so awesome finally seeing the show start to come together.”
Although there has been a laid back vibe around the rehearsal space, there’s only four weeks left until tech week, in which things really kick into high gear.
Senior Eva Padilla-Vega commented on just how fast the process is.
“Now that we’re working on all of the dances, the pace is starting to pick up,” she explained. “It’s crazy that tech is in four weeks, I swear we just started rehearsing yesterday.”
With excitement rising within the cast we move onto week five next Monday, stay tuned!