In light of this year’s election season, the schools Associate Student Body (ASB) instructor Mr. Kenny Webber orchestrated a mock-voting poll for students to vote.
Arriving bright and early to organize the voting stations, Mr. Webber and his ASB class setup near the Victory stand. This included bringing tables, chairs and laptops along with rosters of students’ names.
Throughout the day, history and ethnic studies teachers took their classes to the stations in order to educate students on what the voting process may look like on a smaller scale.

With tables set up during lunch the day prior explaining what each proposition signifies, many students managed to make educated decisions regarding topics on the ballot.
Upon arrival at the polls, students were required to find their grade-assigned table and sign their initials next to their name on the roster. They then made their way over to an available computer,
with a Google Form asking for their email address and vote regarding propositions, U.S. senators, U.S. house representatives, state senators, state assembly and the president of the United States.
Before leaving, students were given an “I voted” sticker.
Later in the day, ASB president Karen Grewal announced the number of votes for each candidate, with the president being Kamala Harris.
Despite being a new concept, Wolves at the Polls was successful in obtaining student participation and educating students about the ballot– even exciting individuals for their chance to vote in a real election.