No, it’s not that kind of cleaning.
The weeks leading up to tech week are crucial for making the show perfect.
“Lots of people think Tech is the most crucial part of the process but the few weeks before is when everyone gets real and people really start to realize how close we are to opening,” Sophomore and ensemble member, Ameilia Probst said. “It’s when everyone takes the scenes and intertwines them to create a show.”
All week cleaning, fixing and adjusting everything done in the previous weeks was the

Memorizing lines, solidifying blocking, fully fledgling out your characters, everything to make this show a show is done within this week and the ones upcoming.
Senior Pamela Fajardo-Alfaro is one of the assistant stage managers for “The Haunting of Hill House”. She said that this show is going smoother than any of the other shows that she has participated in here at Van Nuys.
“The actors and crew don’t feel as stressed as other times,” she states. “ We have done our first two run-throughs already which is early compared to other years.”
The second full-run through was done on Friday.

Getting the jump on running the show helps the actors get to know their blocking better, piecing everything you did individually to show the full picture helps you see what you need to work on.
All the crew is working behind the scenes to add to the atmosphere of the show. Sound is getting every sound needed and putting them in a queue for performances, as lighting sets up for tech week. Props is working hand in hand with set design to start adding in the set and the pieces to go with it.
As preparations begin for tech week the show is looking better and better. The following week is when the cast really gets into the nitty gritty so stay tuned! As well as stay tuned for show performances October 24-27!