Senior and captain Kirk Uytiepo has played tremendously well this past season. His love and determination for the game carried him to become a better player, a trait that shows when he plays his matches and helps his teammates develop.
“The greatest achievement I had this season was having the honor to be the team’s captain,” Uytiepo said. “Indefinitely far from being the best player, I see victory in not only winning, but in also helping others succeed.”
He played phenomenally in his games, ending his doubles record with a positive five wins and two losses. Stepping out of his comfort zone, he played singles for a couple matches and ended with an adequate record of three wins and two losses.
He dominated games against teams like Reseda High School in which he prevailed in a singles match in two sets on Senior Night, letting the opposing player only take one game out of twelve.
As a senior who has a decent amount of experience and knowledge about the sport, Uytiepo has picked up some encouraging and uplifting advice to his teammates and to future tennis athletes of the school.
“No matter how hard you lose, every game you play is a win,” Uytiepo said. “Every mistake you make is an opportunity to only do better and although you may never be the fastest runner or the smartest player, it’s your own mentality that can bring you to victory.”