Club Rush draws students to the quad to explore the wide variety of clubs our school has to offer.
On Jan. 19, an array of clubs showed students what they had to offer during lunch on the quad.

This event that takes place every semester is always coordinated by the school’s ASB.
Clubs of interest, cultural community clubs and new clubs, like the Red Cross Club, Unidos and the VNHS Feminist club, respectively, were all present, giving students many different opportunities to choose from to boost college applications or create a richer social life.
Club Rush allows a wide variety of clubs to put themselves out there to students, encouraging them to join.
Red Cross President Iftykhar Ifty shared that Club Rush allows students to expand on their knowledge by exploring the different clubs that could be found on campus.
“You get to explore your interests,” she said. “If you are interested in the medical field, we have Red Cross Club in room 604 on Thursdays during lunch.”

VNHS Feminist Club Co-President Emily Chavez says that ABS’s annual event provided a valuable opportunity to promote the club.
“I don’t think students would know we were a club if it weren’t for this event,” Chavez said. “It’s hard to get the word across. Come visit Thursdays during lunch in room 113.
We will be discussing women’s rights, holding fundraisers and doing a lot of good in our community.”
Overall, Club Rush displays the diversity of interests in the school community, providing the opportunity for students to join a club for a plethora of passions and interests.