As you sit with your family and/or friends this year, test your knowledge to see who can get the most right! It’s OK if you aren’t a Thanksgiving expert; you will be after this quiz. Don’t be afraid to wing it!
Thanksgiving Trivia!
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6 Total Questions
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Question 1/6
Which nursery rhyme has the closest relation to Thanksgiving?
Question 1/6
Which nursery rhyme has the closest relation to Thanksgiving?
Your Answer
Correct Answer
Jack and Jill

Your Answer
Mary Had a Little Lamb

Your Answer
Hansel and Gretel

Your Answer
The Untouched Cranberry Sauce: A Tale of a Forgotten Condiment

Your Answer
Question 2/6
How many people were on the Mayflower?
Question 2/6
How many people were on the Mayflower?
Your Answer
Correct Answer

Your Answer

Your Answer

Your Answer
2,000. It may have been a bit Compact in there…

Your Answer
Question 3/6
On average, how many pounds of glitter are used on each float at Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade?
Question 3/6
On average, how many pounds of glitter are used on each float at Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade?
Your Answer
Correct Answer

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Your Answer

Your Answer
No glitter. I hate glitter, it gets everywhere.

Your Answer
Question 4/6
What are the names of the two turkeys pardoned this year by President Biden?
Question 4/6
What are the names of the two turkeys pardoned this year by President Biden?
Your Answer
Correct Answer
Liberty and Bell

Your Answer
Marie and Callendars

Your Answer
Fred and George

Your Answer
Wait…turkeys are pardoned? Did they commit fowl play?

Your Answer
Question 5/6
When was the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade?
Question 5/6
When was the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade?
Your Answer
Correct Answer

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Your Answer

Your Answer
2025 (Fun Fact #1: I can predict the future)

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Question 6/6
At this year’s turkey pardoning, which three celebrities did President Biden confuse while attempting to make a pop culture reference?
Question 6/6
At this year’s turkey pardoning, which three celebrities did President Biden confuse while attempting to make a pop culture reference?
Your Answer
Correct Answer
Travis Kelce, Harry Styles and Joe Alwyn

Your Answer
Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Britney Spears

Your Answer
Justin Beiber, Hailey Beiber and Selena Gomez

Your Answer
Blossom, Buttercup and Bubbles

Your Answer
1. Correct Answer: Mary Had a Little Lamb
The writer of “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” writer and activist Sarah Josepha Hale, was also a strong advocate for the declaration of Thanksgiving as a national holiday. She wrote numerous editorials as editor of “Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine” and countless letters to American presidents like Zachary Taylor, Millard Filmore, James Buchanan and many others. She finally persuaded Abraham Lincoln, who declared a national recognition of Thanksgiving in 1863.
2. Correct Answer: 102 passengers
Landing in what is now Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts in 1620, the Mayflower held 102 passengers on its voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. The Mayflower Compact was a written agreement between the members of the ship to obey the established legal system of Plymouth County and to help establish unity and set some ground rules for the colony, making it one of the first “frameworks” of government written for the young soon-to-be United States.
3. Correct Answer: 300 pounds
After four months or more of design, almost 300 pounds of glitter is put into each Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade float, along with 2,000 gallons of paint and 200 pounds of confetti, making them shinier than the glitter geysers of Barbie’s Dreamhouse. Maybe Macy’s is the cause of Malibu’s glitter drought…
4. Correct Answer: Liberty and Bell
These 42-pound turkeys both come from Wilmar, Minnesota, where instead of the dinner table, they will see the South Lawn of the White House and (hopefully) a long and prosperous life. It is said that the first turkey pardon was administered by Abraham Lincoln, but the tradition was formalized under the administration of George H.W. Bush in 1989.
5. Correct Answer: 1924
Fun Fact #2, I lied – I cannot predict the future. What I can tell you is that the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade was on November 27, 1924, featuring floats and animals from the Central Park Zoo. It was organized by Macy’s employees to celebrate the opening of a new “World’s Largest Store” and help boost sales during the holiday season.
6. Correct Answer: Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Britney Spears
In a speech commending the tremendous effort behind the journey that these turkeys had to make, Biden compared it to the efforts many fans had to make for concert tickets this year, saying “Just to get here, Liberty and Bell had to beat some tough odds and competition. They had to work hard, to show patience, and be willing to travel over 1,000 miles. You could say it’s even harder than getting a ticket to the Renaissance tour or, or Britney’s tour. She’s down, it’s kind of warm in Brazil right now.” However, Britney is not on tour; she just released a book. And Taylor Swift’s “The Eras Tour” is in Brazil, not Beyonce, whose “Renaissance Tour” ended in October. Mix-ups are common for 81-year-old President Biden, but “Oh baby, baby, how was he supposed to know?”
Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving! Oh my gourd, it doesn’t get any butter than this!