Students man the polls during the 2020 election
Students had the unique opportunity to participate in this year’s monumental election by volunteering at polling stations.
Student poll workers are issuing ballots and maintaining social distancing protocols in voting stations.
Nov 3, 2020
With Election Day here, student poll workers are hard at work at polling stations helping to get every American’s vote counted.
The Student Election Booth Program, coordinated by Medical Magnet and Math/Science Magnet Coordinator Dawn Brown, allows high school students to volunteer as poll workers.
Polls workers have been at voting centers since their opening at 7 a.m. issuing ballots to voters, solving technical difficulties with voting devices and maintaining order and social distancing protocols.
With the presidential election happening every four years, Ms. Brown hopes students will take this opportunity to be able to learn more and gain valuable insight about the voting process.
“The students will gain invaluable experience in this highly significant political year,” she said. “I hope these students will value the democratic process and become life-long voters.”
Students volunteering at polling stations were intrigued by the opportunities the program would present in civic engagement.
“The reason I signed up to attend this program is I would like to get more involved with the community and voting once I’m 18,” said poll worker Andres Gonzalez. “Most importantly, attending this is a small step towards reaching my goal of finding a career in the field of politics and history.”