Chromebooks and Promethean Boards: Are they helpful?
The arrival of Promethean Boards and Chromebooks to campus reveal mixed feelings among students and teachers.
Math teacher Ms. Medrano using the Promethean Board during instruction.
Sep 24, 2019
After much anticipation, the 2019-2020 academic year was welcomed with new Chromebooks and Promethean Boards in every classroom.
The usage of Chromebooks and Promethean Boards have modernized classrooms and education.
Teachers are taking a more visual approach to teaching, using the Promethean Boards to make discussions more interactive, show demonstrative videos and play educational games. With this, many teachers are using the boards to display documents on the screen rather than the previous projectors.
“Promethean screens are sometimes helpful to teachers because they allow them to show the class the worksheets or assignments instead of using the projector,” says senior Cindy Mustelier.
However, some students find that the Promethean Boards are a waste of time and resources.
“They are a waste of money because we have white boards. The teachers are literally using the Promethean Boards as if they were using the white boards. Instead, they should use the money from the Promethean Boards to buy more Chromebooks and distribute them to the students to keep for the rest of the year.” commented senior Erick Mateos.
Chromebooks are available as class sets for students to access in classes, but are also distributed to individual students who do not have a computer at home.
Chromebooks are transforming classes from paper to computer with online submissions, files, and assignments.
“Chromebooks are useful as students are able to check their grades or do their work online,” says senior Rocio Jimenez.
In addition, various teachers have found it difficult adjusting to the promethean boards. Milagro Medrano, a math teacher, being one of those.
“It was hard to learn how to use the Promethean Board at first because students look at me when I had no idea how to set it up. But as I get to learn more, it is powerful to access all the things that come with it,” said Ms. Medrano.
“It’s a little harder to use the Chromebooks because students have to be honest. They sometimes lie when they use it, they cheat on some of the assignments or tests.”
Administering Chromebooks for assessments makes it difficult for teachers to ensure honesty and openness on behalf of the students, but they are learning to work around the challenge.
“It is a learning experience with the students.” Ms. Medrano continued.