Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Bid
The Kavanaugh hearings have become tainted with lies and dirty tactics by both sides desperately pushing their political agendas

Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Sep 27, 2018
The Kavanaugh hearings have become tainted with lies and dirty tactics by both sides desperately pushing their political agendas
With the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy from the U.S. Supreme Court, the Republican Party is seeking to place another ideological stamp on the court in the form of judicial nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
The Kavanaugh hearings began on Sept. 4th and have seen Democrats try desperately to stall the hearings with objections, while the Republicans aim to confirm him immediately. But on Sept. 12, California Senator Dianne Feinstein made public the letter she received from Christine Blasey Ford, accusing Kavanaugh of sexual harassment at a high school party approximately 36 years ago.
Since the accusation, Republicans and Democrats have feuded, declaring guilt, innocence, sabotage, and cover-up. But no corroborating evidence to Ford’s claims have come out yet, and as long as it’s Kavanaugh’s word against Ford’s, there isn’t sufficient evidence to believe Kavanaugh is guilty.
The timing is so impeccable that it’s none other than a desperate attempt by Democrats to delay the appointment of a new justice to the court before the 2018 midterms.