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(From L to R) Sophomore Olivia Klipstine, Senior April Cho, Senior Madison Thacker, and Director Mr. Justin Baldridge sit down to work through the meaning of the dialogue in a particular scene.
(From L to R) Sophomore Olivia Klipstine, Senior April Cho, Senior Madison Thacker, and Director Mr. Justin Baldridge sit down to work through the meaning of the dialogue in a particular scene.
THE MIRROR | Rafferty Yowler

Analyzing for the Ages: “The Haunting of Hill House” Week 2

The Cast struggles with their characters as the show gets closer.

The second week of rehearsals for “The Haunting of Hill House” are here and this week was all about analyzing and staging.

The lead cast members, Sophomore Olivia Klipstine as Eleanor Vance, Senior April Cho as Theodora, Senior Deven Martinez as Dr. Montague and Junior Chris Ruiz as Luke Sanderson, were the only actors called into rehearsals all week. According to April Cho, the whole week was dedicated to analyzing scenes and characters and really getting to know the material they’re working with.

“Connecting with my character was difficult due to the dialect of the play since it takes place during the 50’s,” she said.

Cho is not alone in her struggles with their character as Martinez was facing similar challenges.

“I struggle with grounding my voice but this show is helping me with that,” they said.

The first Saturday rehearsal of the show was last weekend and as per tradition of the VNHS Theatre Department, everyone stayed cozy in their pajamas as the ensemble joined to catch up on all they missed. With the leads flying through staging with Director and Theatre teacher Mr. Justin Baldridge, Senior Sophie Gomez-Ayala and Costume Designer Isabel Rodriguez pulled the rest of the actors aside to get their first costume fitting done.

Another busy week for the cast of “The Haunting of Hill House’ and many more to come! Stay tuned and come see it on October 24th at 4:30pm, 25th at 7:00pm, 26th at 6:00pm and the 27th at 7pm! Tickets from all cast and crew, online, and from Mr.Baldridge in room 303!

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