By Theresa Nguyen
The Mirror Staff
Photo Editor
By Devin Tse
The Mirror Staff
Sports Editor
By Gina Kim
The Mirror Staff
Business Manager
Kick Off Senior Year. Check.
October 23, 2017
PHOTOS: Senior year is starting off with a bang for the Millennials.
Your Senior year of High School, a time of youth, maturation, but most importantly, fun. Senior Kickoff, an exciting event where the senior class celebrated their special year with music, games, and food, took place on Friday, Oct. 20 in the football field.
“It was a beautiful day, wonderful atmosphere, and great turnout. Everyone showed up and had a fun time” says ASB Director Ms Janice Carr. This event was put together by the combined effort of Senior Board and ASB, along with help from Junior Board.
This Senior Kickoff had the theme of “color wars”, where students were separated into teams of colors – red, green, yellow, and blue – and competed against each other in games. Seniors were welcomed with free food and water and a vibrant atmosphere with musical performances from some of their fellow classmates. A photo booth was also available for the students to capture the moment and store it into memory. Overall, Senior Kickoff was a great way to “kickoff” their senior year.