Devon Martinez points to two cast members, as they practice in their outfits for the play.
Tech week. The hardest week of any production. For the cast and crew of “Sweeney Todd,” the week was filled with long rehearsals.
As the cast and crew near showtime, the stress level has increased around the auditorium. Balancing the rehearsal schedule with 12-hour days, five other classes and other extracurriculars becomes challenging, but in freshman Tucker Chandler’s case, all the hours and stress put into rehearsals are more than worth it.
“The week has been great,” he said. “I’ve felt like this is one of the best shows I’ve been in, both set-wise and performance-wise. I think the casting was brilliant and the use of ensemble was also brilliant. I’m so happy to be a part of the group, with these people.”
The cast and crew were given the chance to review parts of the show, fix some weak spots and finally run through the whole show with lights, sound, props and costumes.
Junior Emily Chavez explained that while tech week requires a lot of work and induces a massive amount of stress, the cast and crew always find a way to endure the long hours because they love what they do.
“I’m always excited and terrified for tech week,” she said. “It’s a lot of effort and it always ends up working out, but it’s always so tiring. We have so much going on. Luckily, our teachers are very accommodating, but still, it’s a lot to handle.”
For sophomore Connor Ruckman, tech week is more than working on the on-stage show. It’s about building relationships and experiences backstage.
“During tech week, the cast comes together,” he said. “We sit outside, we eat dinner together, we spend hours waiting together backstage, we just become very close, and that energy transfers into the show. So while it’s stressful, we wouldn’t have a department, or a show, without it.”