The Wolves' JV girls tennis team was able to raze the Reseda Reagents varsity team.
The bottom line | The girls tennis team played the Reseda Regents and won, 7-0 on Mon., Oct. 10th in the Regents’ house.
Highlights |
The Regent’s team is just budding, so the Van Nuys JV team was moved up to play against them
Most of the singles players were placed within doubles, and the doubles players were moved to be singles. This was done to give Reseda a better chance to grow and reflect.
Overall, Reseda had great sportsmanship and put up a good fight against our Wolves
What’s next | The team’s next game is on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at San Fernando.
The word on campus | “Right when I was rushing in to watch, I could feel the excitement from them, just like seeing their faces and playing their best got me inspired and joyful. As one of their team captains, I’m so proud of them. I deeply love this team because they are very caring people,” said Jackie Recinos, girls tennis team captain.
Our thoughts | The girls tennis team is a very underground team that not many people know about. They have been winning most of their games, and they definitely deserve more attention. For example, this is the second time they have beaten Reseda, yet most students are unaware of this fact. In this game, the varsity players stepped down and brought up J.V. to go against Reseda’s new team. It was so kind and respectful of them to give Reseda a better advantage.
For the books |
6 win, 2 loss
Valley Mission