The new system is being used to aid students that need tardy passes.
What is happening | Starting today, all students will be required to show a digital ID to obtain a tardy pass to class. To download their digital ID, students must use their phone camera’s QR Code Reader to scan the QR Code posted on the latest update on the schoology home page.
The QR Code will take students to a page where they can sign in with their Google account to proceed to a page displaying their school profile and ID.
Students are encouraged to install their digital ID to their device homepage. One can do this by tapping the “Share” button on the bottom of their screen, then tapping the “Add to Homescreen” option from the options shown, and finally tapping “Add” in the upper right corner of their screen.
There are approximately 134 students who currently do not have an ID photo on file. These students will receive a “No Photo On File” error message notification when scanning the QR code. Students can stop by the lecture hall during nutrition over the course of the next week to take an ID photo that will be uploaded to the system.
Why does it matter | The digital ID was created to make the process of giving students tardy passes easier and more efficient. Scanning a student’s digital ID will automatically record their tardy. This new system is being implemented as part of a test to see whether the school will continue using it during the new semester.
Who this applies to | Students from all grade levels are expected to download and use their digital ID when they are late to class.
What they’re saying |
“They keep adding new things and it’s literally just making more obstacles for the students. It’s worse because the policies are being put in place when the school year is about to end,” junior Marcela Aguirre Aguilar said.
“The whole tardy process is already unnecessary. But as for the digital ID, the school needs to understand the criticism students and teachers have for the inconvenient tardy process before creating a new concern for students,” junior Janelle Castro said.