Editor-in-Chief Ani Tutunjyan poses with the Pacemaker award won during the previous year.
The Mirror was officially recognized as a Nation Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) Pacemaker finalist on Wednesday.
The NSPA has been honoring the top high school newspapers for nearly a century.
This year, The Mirror and 64 other schools that were recognized to be one of the best newspapers and magazines will battle to be one of the 28 winners of the NSPA premier award, The Pacemaker.
The Pacemaker is judged by two teams of three judges and awarded based on excellence in everything from writing and editing, to design and photography.
This is the third time that The Mirror has been named one of the finalists for the print newspaper since they started submitting for judging.
Last year, the journalism team led by Co-Print-Editors-in-Chief Ani Tutunjyan and Andre Rodas received a Pacemaker for the first time ever in the school’s history. Tutunjyan hopes to repeat again in 2021.
The winners will be announced via virtual award ceremony on Nov. 13.