Educare students sold pizza, chips and beverages at the quad.
The Educare Foundation Program was introduced to Van Nuys High School in 2014 and has fundamentally changed the school ever since.
The program fosters a safe environment in which students are inspired and empowered to be responsible citizens and have opportunities to participate in drivers ed, sports-conditioning, JROTC, TAC (Take Action Campaign) and tutoring.
The program has helped students give back to Van Nuys through activities such as ¨Kicks Butts Day”, where Educare students promote a friendly and encouraging way for students to understand hazardous effects of smoking. Educare also held an event called “Denim Day”, in which many clothes were donated for sexual assault awareness.
Students also promote Anti-Bullying and Anti-Violence by making creative posters to place around campus, and videos and announcements. Educare has also had a booth to promote Breast Cancer awareness by giving out pins, T-shirts, snacks, and goodies.
Educare is constantly adding a positive vibe to the school’s atmosphere.
Last March, many students from Educare got together to help the local community by planting trees celebrating Arbor Day. More than 400 Volunteers and students from all ages successfully planted 182 trees within a two-block radius from the Van Nuys Recreation Center. They also got to experience hands-on educational exhibits, and an environmental community fair with food, music and family-friendly activities.
I have been in this program since I was a freshman in 2016. The moment I joined, I already felt welcomed. I did so because I needed a place to stay after school because my mom couldn’t pick me up right at 3 p.m.
To this day, I continue to go every single day even if I have a ride home. I enjoy staying so much that I even stay until they close.
Everyday, I’m always excited to see the staff and all the friends I’ve made at Educare. It is my happy place. I have told a number of students to join this excellent program and many students who were interested signed up. None of them have regretted it. It’s amazing seeing all these students walk in everyday with a huge smile on their face.
A current Educare student, sophomore Anahit Chamichyan, said that “I feel like Educare has made a huge positive impact on my life and I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for the staff. They have definitely gave me lots of words of encouragement and truly care about my education, future, and my dreams.”
For the students who don’t have an immediate ride home like me, Educare is the perfect place to hang out with friends to wait for their parents. In Educare we plan events for the school and also spend time talking, dancing, playing board games, and laughing together just having fun.
I recently taken on the position of being Educare’s Representative. If students ever have questions about the program, they come to me. The Van Nuys Educare program has become so popular, that we even have an instagram page for it. The social media manager Jackie Mote, updates the school with events and activities Educare students do in and outside of school.
Educare is also in charge of organizing the school’s talent shows. This year, Educare coordinator, Daniel Cortes, gave me the opportunity of being the host for the show. The show was ‘Glow in the Dark’ themed and everyone was so excited for it. The show had a full house with lots of talented performers. Educare students helped pass out free nachos and snacks. It was certainly unforgettable and one of the best talent shows yet.
EduCare students eventually realize that this program is speaking to something they are looking for. For it is a program solely dedicated to help students soar with impeccable skills of leadership, companionship and perseverance.
For any questions about Educare please come to room 304 in first floor of the Art Building.