Courtesy of Angela Saha
The Wolfpack staff continues to stand strong, campaigning for reform in their district.
Jan 12, 2017 UTLA makes their first proposal for smaller class sizes, a raise in teacher salaries, academic freedom and responsibility for teachers.
Jan 26, 2017 UTLA made a proposal on teacher transfers into vacant positions. LAUSD made counter proposals for class sizes, teacher salaries, educator development support and evaluation, UTLA rights and charter schools (article now deleted).
Feb 16, 2017 UTLA makes a new proposal for student discipline, student climate, positive behavior support and educator development support and evaluation. LAUSD makes a counterproposal for teacher transfers.
March 9, 2017 UTLA makes changes to the proposals on teacher transfers, salaries and class size. LAUSD makes a counterproposal for student discipline and positive behavior support.
March 28, 2017 LAUSD makes counter proposals on teacher transfers and class sizes.
April 20, 2017 UTLA adds to their academic freedom and responsibility proposal asking for teachers to be able to choose which assessments, other than those required by state or federal law, to use in the classroom, how these assessments are used in the classroom and when these assessments are used in the classroom. They also removed points about lottery funds, school determined needs, state textbook and related material and instructional material in their shared decision making and school-based management proposal along with changes in the term of teacher leaves and absences.
May 4, 2017-July 24, 2018 Negotiations and bargaining continue between UTLA and LAUSD. UTLA continues through all this negotiating without a proper contract for negotiations.
Oct, 2018 Teachers receive word of the possibility of a strike.
Jan 2, 2019 LAUSD parents receive emails of the possibility of a teacher strike beginning Thursday, Jan 10.
Jan 3, 2019 LAUSD tries to block special education teachers from striking. The court rules it out.
Jan 7, 2019 LAUSD writes a 76-page counter proposal with their final statements. UTLA writes a 59-page proposal with all their final statements and changes. LAUSD continues to not meet UTLA’s demands.
Jan 9, 2019 UTLA and LAUSD meet again with LAUSD trying to come to a compromise. LAUSD is able to delay teacher strikes to Monday, Jan 14.
Jan 10, 2019 UTLA announces that they have not come to a deal with LAUSD and that a teacher strike will be taking place Monday, Jan 14.
Jan 11, 2019 UTLA and LAUSD meet again in order to negotiate and try to prevent the strike from happening. Meetings continue throughout the weekend.
Jan 14-22, 2019 Teachers strike, without being paid, in order to show their commitment to their wanted changes. LAUSD lost over $125.1 million in student absences.
Jan 22, 2019 UTLA and LAUSD reach an agreement ending the teacher strike.Jan 23, 2019 Students and teachers return to classrooms and resume regular schedule.