Joe Brusky
Teachers gather spreading a UTLA banner.
The threat of the UTLA teacher strike that’s loomed over Los Angeles for months has finally surged forward. The court case deciding whether the paperwork UTLA sent in to formally request a strike was valid has sided in favor of LAUSD. Due to this ruling, the strike will officially begin Monday, Jan 14. However, talks are still underway between UTLA and LAUSD to potentially come to an agreement regarding class sizes, staff to student ratio and funding distribution.
If the strike does occur, LAUSD has instituted a less restrictive volunteer policy that decreases background checks. Attached below is Van Nuys’ current contingency plan.
Students will be housed by grade level
9th will be in the Auditorium
10th grade will be in the Big Gym
11th and 12 grades will be in the Small Gym
Attendance will be taken once for the day in the morning session.
9th and 10th grade students will participate in online and direct instruction in Math and English as well as participate in PE.
11th grade students will participate in Edgenuity, study for AP classes and /or Core Math, English, Science and History.
12th grade students will participate in Edgenuity, Naviance, and study for AP classes and /or Core Math, English, Science and History.
Changes to protocol will include:
BIC will be served in a traditional manner where students are brought in a staggered manner to the cafeteria to pick up food.
Gates will be closed, as usual, during the school day.
Ms. Phillips will be in the auditorium conducting lessons in ELA and History.
Ms. Bakenhus will be in the Big gym conducting lessons in Math and Science.
Mr. Strassner will start in small gym running Edgenuity, study for AP classes and /or Core Math, English, Science and History and then move on to PE.
Ms. Keller will be with special education.
Ms. Gardea will be roaming.
Ms. Florindez will be in the small gym assisting with Edgenuity, study for AP classes and /or Core Math, English, Science and History.